Vanhan oluenpanimon koneiden betoniperustusten purku Dynacem-etanadynamiitilla. (Breaking up concrete foundations using non-explosive, controlled, concrete demolition agent Dynacem. Selective and controlled demolition of concrete foundations supporting the machinery of an old brewery was possible thanks to the application of chemical, non-explosive demolition agent. The brewery was established in 1506 and maintained beer production till 2008, when it closed down due to bacteriological contamination. The site was sold and is currently being refurbished into a luxury housing project. Because of their historical value, the structures are recognised as architectural monuments which makes it impossible to carry out a heavy demolition. Some sections of the buildings cannot be accessed by heavy machinery. Foundations for the brewing equipment were made of a very tough concrete that is out of use nowadays. For these reasons Dynacem was not only essential, but made it possible to perform the demolition.)

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