Dynacem etanadynamiitti. Dynacemia on käytetty Bonnissa (Saksassa) kaupungin lämmitysvoimalaitoksen käynnissä olleen höyryturbiinin välittömässä läheisyydessä teräsbetonibunkkerin tiheästi raudoitetun holvin purkamiseen minimaalisella tärinä-, melu- ja pölypäästöllä. (Non-explosive, silent, vibration-free demolition of reinforced concrete bunker. Non-explosive demolition agent Dynacem has been used in bunker soft demolition project in Bonn, Germany, to eliminate shock waves and vibrations, and to reduce noise. Air-ride shelter on Karlstrasse St. in Bonn is very close to the turbine of the municipal heat and power station. The vibrations generated by explosion or by heavy concrete breaking with hydraulic hammers could potentially damage the turbine and disturb neighbouring shops and businesses operation. 2 m and 3 m thick, heavy reinforced bunker ceiling and its connection to the walls have been initially weakened by swelling pressure of Dynacem inside the predrilled holes. The concrete has been broken and disintegrated. Dynacem application facilitated the subsequent "soft" - vibration-free removal of concrete with a rock grinders and demolition shears. Explosions, heavy hammering of the concrete and accompanying vibrations have been avoided and noise emission - significantly limited.)

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